The Milky Way


The sun slips into the westing sea,

The water’s opalescent mirror surface shimmers to black.

Lights spring into existence in windows and porches,

The white noise of air conditioning units hum tunelessly,

Music floats on the humid breeze.

The bright of the day is fades to night.


Just before the day is finally extinguished,

The background drone falls silent, the day suddenly still.

Unfettered the night rushes in, gloom robs the world of colour.

We take for granted the trickle of power that silently animates our world,

Lights our existance and wards off the shadows.

Only when it’s gone do we realise how pervasive and how dark the night.


Streetlights lifeless, their illumination absent.

Windows now sightless stare blindly.

Inside shadow homes candles are lit in ancient devotion.

But rather than solace the flickering flames splash light

Birthing unworldly phantoms, ghost from the void.

The once familiar and comforting now eerie and haunted.

Eyes adjust to the gloom, outside a soft glow beckons.


On stoops and steps gather gaggles,

Silhouettes seeking company and the comfort of a crowd.

Freed from the neon glare of ubiquitous light pollution

A faint luminescence floresces glows all around.

The illumination of the waxing moon,

The distant glimmer of stars.

Around voices fall hushed, awed to a whisper by the revelation above.


Stars abound! Star upon star.

Oh, so very many their numbers beyond counting.

Tiny splinters of light sweep from horizon to horizon,

Resplendently bejewelling the night sky.

A shimmering river of cold silver glitter,

Dusted with specks of emerald and ruby,

A band of pale diamond fire.

A rent in the very fabric of the night,

Its crowning glory.



Shops shut.

Town silent.

The glittering sea, empty.

No cruise ships on the horizon.

The world leaves us alone.


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